The One-dollar Prexie
Woodrow Wilson was the 28th President of the United States, and his portrait is on the one dollar value of the Prexie series. The likeness was taken from a medal produced by the U.S. Mint.
The one-dollar Prexie is the first of three that were produced in two colors. It was issued in sheet format only. The first day of issue was August 29, 1938, with a total of 309,426,788 issued through 1956.
There were no single rate uses for the dollar Prexie, but a number of multiple rate solo uses are known. Instead of reciting possibilities, I will make a list of the uses that I can illustrate.
Two times the fifty cents per half ounce airmail rate to the Philippine Islands.
Two times the fifty cents per half ounce airmail rate to New Zealand.
Four times the twenty-five cents per half ounce airmail rate to Africa.
Four times the twenty-five cents per half ounce airmail rate to Asia.
Five times the twenty cents per half ounce airmail rate from Hawaii to the mainland.
Ten times the ten cent per half ounce airmail rate from Puerto Rico to the mainland.
Registered quadruple weight airmail to Argentina.
Registered triple weight airmail to Germany.
Parcel post - eighteen pounds to zone 4.
Parcel post, special delivery - two to ten pounds to zone 1.