The Eighteen-cent Prexie

Fourth class use

The tag from a fourth class mailing during or after 1955, from the form number on the tag. The package was sent within the city of Portland, Oregon. From October 1, 1953 to February 1, 1960, postage for a one pound package sent locally was eighteen cents.

There is another eighteen cent stamp on the back of the tag, paying the postage for returining the article.

This portion of a wrapper sent to zone 1 could have been mailed from 1938 until March 26, 1944, when the postage would have covered ten pounds: eight cents for the first, and 1.1 cents for the next nine. If mailed between March 26, 1944 and January 1, 1949 the weight would have been only nine pounds due to the one cent minimum surcharge.

The only eighteen cent rate to zone 4 was ten cents for the first pound, 3.5 cents for the next two, plus the one cent minimum surcharge effective from March 26, 1944 until January 1, 1949.

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